What is this thing we call Fancy Milk?
You may have seen at Outpost Coffee Roasters we carry Sheldon Creek Dairy milk, which we have named 'fancy milk' or 'raw milk' (as close to raw as you are legally allowed here) this rich milk is perfect for making your flat white or cortado much creamer. Sheldon Creek milk is non homogenized, leaving milkfat globules intact to carry important nutrients like Vitamins A & D to the body. The Sheldon milk is enzyme-rich due to their pasteurization process, in which they heat the milk to 73 degrees celsius for just 16 seconds. These enzymes are crucial for digestion, as they assimilate nutrients into the body. This flash pasteurization process kills harmful bacteria, without harming enzymes. Since the milk is left in its natural form any people who have had issues drinking milk or milk allergies have been able to drink Sheldon Creek's milk!
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